Factory Photo:

The Donor:

The damage from its, uh, fender bender, luckily didn't touch the motor/trans/axle and most of the other needed parts so no worries.
First thing to be done is to make sure our drivetrain is in good working order. After a crash, Ford uses an inertia switch to disarm the fuel pump. We simply flip the switch to get the pump back on:

It's a tight fit but there is space between the pulleys and car, so the engine didn't make contact with anything in the crash.

We clear some things out of the way.

The battery is in about the same condition of the front fenders, so we remove it to use a working unit.

Next we removed the miscellaneous things and shaker assembly.

At this point we put the intake tube and maf back on to start the car. It ran perfectly, no check engine codes, oil pressure was excellent, ran nice and smooth. Now we know, its good to go and can start the removal process.. The next step is to drain fluids, label the wires and then pull the drivetrain and necessary parts.
You own a labelmaker???!?
Yeah, it was like 30 bucks at office max and it makes things a lot easier to keep track of.
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